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       After what seemed to be mere seconds, my eyes opened to the dazzling light of a Korendian morning. Small clouds drifted lazily through the intensely blue sky. A moment later, I turned toward my beloved and found her lying on her side with her head propped on her hand, looking at me with those beautiful, expressive eyes. "Good morning, mialana!" she said quietly.
       "Good morning yourself, mialani. Have you been awake long?"
       "Long enough to look at you and think of how incredibly fortunate I am that you're all mine." She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.
       "Mmmmmmm... that's much better than coffee."
       "How about dessert, lover?" With that, she moved toward me. Our lips met. What a way to begin a new day!

       "Oh, YES! Chinese food for breakfast," I whispered. Her face revealed her unvoiced question.
       "It's an old Earth saying. When one eats Chinese food, an hour later he's hungry again."
       With a big smile, she said, "Well, when you feel the hunger pang coming, do let me know. I have an unending supply of that food."
       "How about just a little bit more?"
       "Seconds? Certainly!" We embraced and let our love guide us.

       After the topping off of the tanks, Astra crossed her arms on my chest and contentedly gazed into my eyes. As we lay there basking in the sunlight, a personal craft appeared over the treetops and drifted slowly overhead. "Another hungry couple." She looked up and we both waved. The occupants evidently saw us and the craft did the equivalent of a "wing waggle" to acknowledge our greeting.
       "Do you think they are as much in love as we are?" I asked.
       "Is it possible?"
       "Probably not, but I like to think that every man feels about his own lady the way I do about you, mialani."
       "The ladies should be so blessed," she purred.

       "Well, my good sir, what interests you about Korendor that you would like to see today, since you're all mine?"
       "Remember that day when we went to the local mall and the guys were tripping over each other trying to get a better look at you?"
       "Yes, I do recall that. I must admit that it was a bit disquieting. And now that you bring it to mind, I can appreciate your reaction to the utterly gorgeous body that the Transtechs crafted for you. But suffer we must, for the cause is just."
       "Spoken like a true lady of nobility."
       "Thank you, illustrious sir. So, why do you ask?"
       "Does Korendor have the equivalent of malls?"
       "Not as such, but we do have central shopping areas that you could call malls. There's a large one on the eastern side of the city. Shall we go?"

       After returning the seats to their proper place, we boarded her craft and departed. As we cruised over the Lovers' Lane, I asked, "Out of curiosity, who pays for this facility?"
       "It's operated and maintained by a private organization that believes that people in love should be able to enjoy each other's company in privacy, comfort and safety. It's funded solely by free-will gifts and donations, and there are thousands of supporters who agree with their goals. My mother and father are among them."
       "How wonderfully unlike Earth this is." I didn't expand on the comment, and she didn't ask, but I knew that she understood.


       After fifteen minutes of liesurely, sightseeing flight, we stopped over a large "parking" area, where thousands of personal vehicles awaited the return of their owners. As we descended, another craft departed, opening a choice spot quite near to the entrance.
       "First come, first served," Astra said, and within seconds we were on the ground. She pressed a button labeled "Locator", and we exited. As we began our stroll toward the "mall", I asked, "What's a locator?"
       "Have you ever parked in a large lot and then forgotten where your car was?"
       "Several times over the years," I admitted. "I hate when that happens."
       "We have the same issue, especially in a place like this. The locator works with the implant network. If we misplace our vehicles, we use the network to query the locator and it guides us. It saves a lot of annoyance. The Cybernetic Institute invented the technology," she said with pride. She was in her element in such discussions. "There's a portable unit for people who enjoy walking or hiking in our forest areas. We turn it on when we leave, and no matter how far we go, we can return without error."
       "We have the GPS system," I pointed out, "but this would be a vast improvement."
       "Actually, the locators work on Earth in areas serviced by our Terran implant net. It has proven to be invaluable to our operatives in unfamiliar surroundings."
       "Isn't it possible to use the net to get a position fix and directions without a locator?"
       "Yes, but that requires initiating tracking mode on the network. That's how we did it prior to the locators, but with many people using it simultaneously, it occupied the processors to the point of sluggish response. The locators are keyed to individual implants, so using them is no more CPU-intensive than any normal net access."

       I studied that goddess walking beside me, appreciating even more the power of the brain behind that flawless face. She sensed my thoughts and blushed slightly. She squeezed my hand and said softly, "I love you, sweetheart!"
       "And that's what amazes me most of all, mialani."

       As we approached the entry doors, it became apparent that the news coverage of the previous day's events had a wide viewership. Anonymity was out of the question. However, the Korendians are polite and considerate people. Though we were recognized and greeted with broad smiles and waves, and some took the opportunity for photos and videos, no one approached us. Groups of girls and boys responded just like their Terran counterparts, proving that being human is the same everywhere.

       "Deja vu, sweet one?" I asked.
       "All over again," she replied, then added in a louder voice, "But, on the other hand, being the most handsome and desirable malimani in a million galaxies, you no doubt know the feeling." The smiles from bystanders told us that her comment was overheard as intended.
       "Touche!" I winced at her impeccable timing in using my own words.
       "I said that I'd get you, mister. Consider yourself gotten."
       "Mercy, my queen!"
       "I'll contemplate it, knave." She put her arm around my waist and said, "Where to, sweetheart?"
       "No particular place. I just like to look around. Is there anywhere here where we can be less conspicuous?"
       "Yesterday morning, that wouldn't have been an issue, but at this point, we're about as inconspicuous as two apples in a bowl of blueberries."
       "That's the price of fame, princess. Oh well."

       The layout of the facility was not unlike our own malls, with stores and small shops lining both sides of wide aisles. We stopped at an information kiosk to the left of the entrance. The floor plan showed that the building had ten floors, although the top four were for offices and non-retail businesses. For the retail levels, there were two concentric circular aisles and a central courtyard, with eight radial aisles. On the ground level they ran from the entrances to the courtyard. On the five upper levels, they connected observation walkways on each end. In the courtyard, eight elevators delivered visitors and shoppers to the six retail levels. Two of the eight extended to the transparent roof of the huge atrium. There were no doubt others for the top four levels that were quite reasonably not shown on the floor plans.

       We made a short list of interesting shops and resumed our journey. "Which way, love?" she asked. Although we were next to the left entrance of the outer ring, I decided, "Let's go right."
       "I was about to suggest that. Hmm ... telepathy?"

       We crossed the aisle and went through the right end arch. We acknowledged the waves and signals of recognition from the passers-by. As we passed by a vendor's stand, a little girl 30 feet farther spotted us and talked excitedly with her mom and dad as she looked our way. Abruptly, our implants asked in a woman's voice, "Please excuse me, Kal-Thar and Astra-Lari. Our daughter saw you on the news coverage from the spaceport, and would love to meet you. Would that be acceptable?" Astra looked at me expectantly, and I replied, "By all means. The little ones are always welcome."

       Her mother spoke briefly to her, caressing her head. The child walked quickly toward us, her eyes bright with excitement. Her dad was saving the moment with one of those seemingly ubiquitous camcorders. When she arrived, her little arms came out with the classic "Hold me!" gesture of children everywhere. I looked toward her parents, who both nodded their approval. I dropped to one knee and wrapped my arms around her waist, then picked her up and sat her on my arm, taking care not to cover the tiny wireless mike pinned to her collar.

       Her smile was dazzling. She planted a big kiss on my cheek and then reached out to Astra. Seconds later we were a threesome, with a little arm around each of our necks. My lady received and returned her kiss.
       "What's this little one's name?" I asked her mom.
       "Thank you." I looked into her beautiful young face and said, "Teela-Beth, you are the prettiest little girl I've ever seen."
       Her eyes went wide with awe. "How do you know my name, Kal-Thar?"
       "An angel told me, sweet one."
       "It's her birthday," mom relayed, "and we were here to record the day. I have a feeling that everything else will be anticlimactic."
       I nodded to her and then said, "Happy birthday, little princess!"
       Her eyes again became saucers. "Did the angel tell you that, too?"
       Astra held her hand and said softly, "Yes, she did, sweet one. She's a wonderful angel. She knows all about you and she loves you."
       "She's just like my mommy!"
       "Yes, she's just like your mommy." Her mother brushed away a tear.

       I gave her a quick kiss, followed by one from Astra, and then returned to the one-knee posture to release her. She beamed a smile and said happily, "Thank you, Kal-Thar and Astra-Lari. I love you!" She turned and ran to her mom and dad. Mom said, "Kal-Thar, she watched you pick up that little girl with the flowers and told us that she wished it was her. You can't imagine how happy you've made her. You two are truly the servants of the Infinite One who brought you to her today. May he richly bless you."
       Looking into Astra's eyes, I confirmed, "He has, dear lady. He has indeed. Go in love and light."
       Dad then added his thanks and best wishes, to which Astra replied, "The Infinite One has honored you by entrusting you with a treasure. You are also richly blessed. Go in love and light, my brother and sister."

       So wrapped up were we in granting this beautiful child her wish that we didn't notice that it had attracted a small crowd of onlookers. A few of the women were drying their own tears. As they dispersed, an elderly lady came up to us and said, "Thank you both for giving me something to remember with happiness for the rest of my life." We took her hands in ours, and Astra kissed her. "Dear lady, we are pleased and honored to be a part of your life, however small. Thank you for your kindness. Go in love and light."

       And then it was time to move on. Hand in hand, we headed toward our first stop. I felt a gentle squeeze of my hand. "Mialana," she said with a tone that expressed boundless love, "you are a precious gem! The joy that you gave to that little girl can't be described in words. I thank the Infinite One every day for guiding our paths toward our union."
       "And you have given my life new meaning and direction. His hand is on us."

       The window-shopping commenced.


© 2009 Robert P. Renaud -- all rights reserved